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Judul | Hubungan kausal antara tingkat penguasaan teknologi, dukungan kelembagaan, dan peran penyuluh terhadap adopsi integrasi ternak tanaman |
Edisi | Volume 24 No.2, 2015 |
No. Panggil | |
ISBN/ISSN | 0852-1743 |
Pengarang | Priyono M.Ikhsan Shiddieqy Didik Widiyantono Zulfanita |
Subyek/Subjek | Pertanian |
Klasifikasi | |
Judul Seri | GMD | Jurnal |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Penerbit | Sekretariat Badan Litbang Pertanian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian |
Tahun Terbit | 2015 |
Tempat Terbit | Jakarta |
Kolasi | |
Catatan | |
Detil Spesifik | Abstrak: Efforts to increase the amount of livestock-crop integration adopter needs agricultural extension support and powerful institutional support trough technology transfer to farmers.This research was aimed to determine causal correlation between technology level, institutional support and agricultural extention`s role against the adoption level of livestock- crop integration.Tlhis research was conducted from 15th February -31th March in Sadangkulon Kebumen Regency.The used method in this Study was structured survey method. Respondent was taken as much as 31 people using sample random sampling as much as 50% from each farmer group. Variables which measured in this study were integration technology level,agricultural extension role,and adoption level of livestock-crop integration.Data were Analyzed using path analysis to estimate the coefficient of linear structural equation which has casual correlation by SPSS tools.The research result showed that the contribution of exogenous variables ( technology level, institutional support, and agricultural extension role) simultaneously affecting the adoption level of livestock-crop integration of 72,5% (P |
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