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Edisi | Vol. 6 No. 2, Agustus 2011 |
No. Panggil | |
ISBN/ISSN | 1693-4784 |
Pengarang | Istiko Agus Wicaksono |
Subyek/Subjek | Pertanian |
Klasifikasi | |
Judul Seri | GMD | Data Penelitian |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Penerbit | Jurusan Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Palangka Raya |
Tahun Terbit | 2011 |
Tempat Terbit | Palangka Raya |
Kolasi | 86-95 Hal |
Catatan | |
Detil Spesifik | ABSTRACT. The objectives of this research are to find out about: 1) The economic position of each sub-district in Purworejo; 2) The structure of economic growth in each sub-district in Purworejo regency towards the economic structure of Purworejo; 3) The sectors which become the base sector in Purworejo regency. This research uses a descriptive analysis method. The data being used is gross regional domestic product and income per capita in Purworejo sub-districts, where the gross regional domestic product and income per capita from 2000 – 2006 are based on the constant price in 2000. The research shows that the sub-districts which are classified as progressive and fast-growing areas are Banyuurip, Kutoarjo, and Pituruh. Moreover, the subdistricts which are classified as rapidly growing areas are Purwodadi, Purworejo, and Butuh. The sub-districts which are classified as developed but depressed areas in Purworejo regency are Bagelen, Kaligesing, Kemiri, and Gebang. Meanwhile, the sub-districts in Purworejo which are classified as relatively disadvantaged areas are Grabag, Ngombol, Bruno, Loano, and Bener. Based on shift-share analysis, the biggest component in developing the economic grow throughout the sub-district in Purworejo regency is the component of national growth. The result of Location Quotient analysis shows that the most base sector in every sub-district in Purworejo is agriculture sector around 75% from all the sub-districts, after that the mining and quarrying sector around 62.5% from all the sub-districts in Purworejo. Meanwhile, the lowest base sectors in every subdistrict in Purworejo are the construction sector and the financial, leasing and corporate service sector, each for 12.5% from all the sub-districts. Keywords: Base sector, growth, structural changes |
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